How To Apply For A Private Student Loan
Learning about the different private loans available is the best way to find the one that best fits your needs.

You Better Shop Around
- A good place to start learning about your options is your college’s financial aid office, which may have a lender list
- Compare what each lender has to offer in terms of fees, interest rates, and repayment options

Read The Fine Print
- It is extremely important to read the terms and conditions to avoid any unpleasant surprises
- Compare the terms and conditions of each lender when you are shopping around

Don’t Overborrow
Borrow only the amount you need for tuition and related expenses so that paying it back is more manageable

Consider Finding A Cosigner
- A cosigner is especially helpful if you are an undergraduate or a student without a steady income or credit history
- You have a better chance for approval if a parent or other creditworthy individual co-signs

Take all the Advice you Can Find
Ask your counselor, or anyone else you trust, to learn more about the do’s and don’ts of taking out student loans
There Are Many Types of Student Loans
The two main types of student loans are federal and private. Within each type are subsets that might appeal to you based on your credit history, financial need, and other factors.
Federal loans were established to help students with limited funds, or a poor credit history, receive a good education. Private loans offer customized options to students with a strong credit history.
Pay off your Student Loan Debt
- Discover How Much You Could Save
- See How Quickly You Can Take Back Your Life
- Never Pay A Fee Until An Account Is Settled